Wrestling With Faith

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Is Faith viable against other choices in the world?

This question is asking is having faith viable or relevant in your modern culture today? The honest answer is that we enact faith in things all the time.  I talked about this on Sunday in our discussion about scientific theories verses the biblical idea of creation.  Science has a lot of ideas that are unable to be proven. Therefore, if you chose to believe those things you are using faith.  Hebrews 11:1-3  "Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

Now, that we established that we each enact faith, let's deal with the real question.  Is having faith in God relevant and viable.  Relevance is asking will it make a difference in my life.  Viability is asking will it work or be successful in my life. My simple answer is yes it can and will.  Like everything else if you don't take it serious then it won't make much difference. James 2:17 tells us, "In the same same way, faith by itself, it if is not accompanied by action is dead.  Our belief in God ought to cause us to apply things that God teaches us to our lives.  If we do our lives will change and we will see the effect.  However, if we just go to church and do the traditional things without any change in our lives then you have not put anything into action and your faith is meaningless.  For example, I can believe that eating healthy is good for me and I will be feeling better and looking better if I change my diet.  At the same time, If I believe this but I do not implement action to change my diet then it will have no real relevance or viability to me.

The other half of the question is faith in God compared to other believes.  Which is more beneficial.  Faith in God is the only option that leads to real life.  All roads do not lead to God.  This whole discussion requires faith and action.  I cannot make you choose to follow God and put your trust in God in every part of your life. However, I have faith that when you do it will change your life in amazingly positive ways that you will choose to follow God the rest of your life.  A word of caution. Life won't be easy and you will find things happen that will cause you to question your faith.  Don't give up hold on to your faith and God will not leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5b).
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