Wrestling With Faith

Why is having faith In God so hard for us?
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

Faith is the belief in what is not seen.   God is not visible not that doesn't mean that God doesn't exist.  In science, we do not question the existence of wind.  We cannot see the wind but we see the evidence of wind. Such as the leaves moving in the wind. Another example is the breeze against your skin.

Just the same we see evidence of God all around us.  Yet, we struggle to believe in God.  Creation is full of evidence of a great designer.  Creation exists with just beauty and order.  Mathematicians have said that the likelihood of the randomness of the Big Bang theory of creation producing such beauty and order is so small that mathematically speaking it is impossible.

As we look in our lives we can see the evidence of God at work in our lives.  We can see answers to prayers, etc.  Yet, we find ourselves questioning the existence of God.  We also question that idea that God loves us.  

I wish that this simple explanation would remove all questioning and doubt.  The truth is I wouldn't be able to.  God puts things in our lives all the time trying to make Himself know to us that we would not question.  There is no reason for us to question.  In truth it takes more "faith" to believe in science that the existence God.  I choose to believe in God.  i don't have all the answers but for me God makes sense to me.  Will you decide to put your faith in God or science?  

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