How it all started...
The church started as a relaunch of a struggling church in 2002. The church decided to start new and fresh. The original dream was to build a staff of three pastors that would focus on their areas of specialty. The church started fresh with no traditions, and no predetermined ways of doing things. The church only sought to do that which made a difference.
Over the years that church has grown and changed. We have seen changes in leadership. Pastor Phil Stein passed away in 2014. Pastor Steven Larrabee left in 2018 to assume a Senior Pastor role in another church. Pastor Curt Blair retired and passed away in 2022.
Over the years that church has grown and changed. We have seen changes in leadership. Pastor Phil Stein passed away in 2014. Pastor Steven Larrabee left in 2018 to assume a Senior Pastor role in another church. Pastor Curt Blair retired and passed away in 2022.
Pastor Steven Larrabee has returned to the church in December 2022 to bring healing and hope and a new passion for the mission of the church. The church is seeking to build a new team.

In The Beginning...


Expanding the vision...
We are continually reaching people with the love and grace of God. To see God heal their lives and transform them. Through the hope that God gives them, see them equipped to serve in practical ministries that God has called them to.
Where we are headed...
The future is bright for our church. The church is utilizing both traditional and new online methods of bringing healing and hope to the lost and hurting people in our community and around the world. You can be part of what we are doing.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00am for Sunday School and Worship at 10:00am